Ah – the dreaded cold and flu season aka winter, is almost upon us, so we are all looking for ways to keep ourselves healthy and boost that immunity– despite the coughing and sniffling that many around us will be doing.
Fortunately, the best and easiest way to keep our immune system running at its optimal level is by eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as healing spices. It is also important that we make sure we stay well hydrated and get enough sleep.
There are numerous theories, and scientists are still discovering more and more all the time, but the simplest explanation seems to be that viruses (like seasonal colds and the flu) thrive in cold, dry weather. Not only do these viruses last longer than when they are exposed to a warm, humid environment, but they also seem to be more easily transferred from person to person in the winter.
An additional theory is that, because of fewer hours of sunlight, a depletion of vitamin D and melatonin can also lower our immunity and make us more susceptible to catching a virus.
However, regardless of why and how, I think we can all agree that they are at best, a nuisance, and at worst, dangerous to those with a compromised immune system.
In addition, and according to the ancient principles of Ayurveda, the addition of many warming and healing spices can be beneficial in the prevention of colds and influenza.
No surprise here, but turmeric (at its most potent when blended into a tea or tonic) has many immune-boosting properties. It is our number one, go-to for virus prevention in the fall and winter.
Most frequently found as a powdered root or in capsule form, elderberry is packed with vitamins A, B, and C. It is also known as a potent anti-bacterial and anti-viral ingredient.
Astralagus (also known as Milkvetch) is a powerful root that is known for its ability to fight viral and bacterial infections. Practitioners of Ayurveda believe that supplementing your diet with Astralagus is particularly beneficial during the winter.
If the thought of plain hot water is unappealing to you, try adding any of these herbs and spices to jazz things up a bit.
These ingredients all have healing agents as well:
Now, we can certainly admit that the above concoctions don’t sound like the most appetizing of beverages.
And, when your body is suffering, warm drinks, lightly sweetened with honey, taste better than you would imagine. Plus, these all-natural remedies are so much better for your body than harsh cold medications.
To avoid (or relieve) congestion, try adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a diffuser or cold-air humidifier. Additionally, avoid wheat and dairy products when fighting a cold, as they are known to increase mucous production.
Hopefully today’s post finds you well (and not suffering with a cold or flu). But, if you are struggling with a viral infection, we send you healing thoughts and a large mug of (virtual) turmeric tea.
Lastly, thank you so much for visiting! I hope you have found some valuable information, if so, I’d love to hear about it!
Please feel free to share this post with anyone who might benefit, and comments are always welcome!
I look forward to connecting with you next time!
And be sure to check out why you should order your family’s next meal courtesy of Ki’s Kitchen
From our kitchen to yours,
Love + Peace
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Your posts are always helpful and easy to understand, thank you for everything you do.