It’s interesting, often when I speak with someone who has taken on new wellness goals, be it to combat disease, feel better or shed those extra pounds – the ‘go to’ seems to always fall around ‘carbs are bad’ and ‘I need to stop eating them’. Where in fact, today I want to suggest a few things to you that they aren’t bad, and share with you everything you need to know about carbohydrates! Keeping on that mind set that though, they should be eaten geared to your wellness plan, activity levels and goals.
It is important at Ki’s Kitchen that we not only provide you with amazingly delicious meals, but also to help educate you on why we make the choices we do, when it comes to our menu. With education comes knowledge, and equips you with the right information on days that you are grocery shopping, entertaining, whipping up dinner or eating out.
Let’s look at the general consensus about carbohydrates. they are everything from pastas to sugars to breads, but did you also know they’re also found in fruits and vegetables as well? Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, peas, corn, yucca, parsnips, beans and yams to name a few, all contain higher levels of carbohydrates than that of other vegetables.
To give some perspective, one corn of cob contains 17.2 grams of carbohydrates.
Sausage,Ham & Egg Breakfast Burrito using a small flour tortilla, also contains 17 grabs of carbohydrates.
So this is where a lot of the confusion lies in terms of carbohydrates and what makes them a good carb choice. I am not suggesting that you choose the breakfast burrito over the cob of corn, but what I am suggesting is the more you know, the better choices you can make. Now in this scenario, it’s evidently only a comparison to the carbohydrates and not the dish as a whole.
The amount of carbohydrate in the diet – high or low – is less important than the type of carbohydrate in the diet. For example, healthy, whole grains such as whole wheat bread, rye, barley and quinoa are better choices than highly refined white bread or French fries. Foods high in carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet.
In the body, carbs break down into smaller units of sugar, such as glucose and fructose. The small intestine absorbs these smaller units, which then enter the bloodstream and travel to the liver. The liver converts all of these sugars into glucose, which is carried through the bloodstream — accompanied by insulin — and converted into energy for basic body functioning and physical activity.
The quick list recommended by Ki’s Kitchen, are selected because the type of carbohydrate you find in these items, will take longer to break down in the system, converting it to glucose, giving you sustained energy. Processed carbohydrates like pasta for example, will give you a quick spike, and a crash to follow not long later.
This is where I form a lot of my opinion around the topic of carbohydrates; if you are an athlete, or sustain a very active lifestyle, you want to fill up on pastas and breads, your body needs that extra fuel and energy for the big game. You cannot deprive your body of things it needs. Be mindful of your goals when it comes to what you are eating. Carbs usually considered good are complex carbs, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes. These are not only processed more slowly, but they also contain a bounty of other nutrients.
Overall, carbohydrates are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products. Though often maligned in trendy diets, carbohydrates — one of the basic food groups — are important to a healthy life. The right kind of carbs can be incredibly good for you. Not only are they necessary for your health, but they carry a variety of added benefits.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have found some valuable information, if so, I’d love to hear about it! Please feel free to share this post with anyone who might benefit, and comments are always welcomed and appreciated.
I look forward to connecting with you next time!
And be sure to check out why you should order your family’s next meal courtesy of Ki’s Kitchen
From my kitchen to yours,
Kiran Bissoon
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