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great sources of clean protein

What are some great sources of clean protein (non vegetable)? I wasn’t always a vegan. In fact, I only became a vegetarian when I was 13 years old because my mother decided that she was no longer eating meat.When I reached my twenties – rebellion kicked in, and I chose to eat meat (after not having consumed it for practically a decade). Two days of being a carnivore! I didn’t consider anything about the meat (where it came from) other than I was going to eat it. This is where I felt this post to be important, because it’s something we should think about

I can’t recall if I missed meat much at 13, I’m sure I did initially, but there were always varieties of different foods and flavours that I never felt like I was missing out. I still feel that way. 

But let’s circle back to those couple days I ate meat. I was so sick! Sick to my stomach, my body felt awful, bloated, tired, you name it! Now, I’m not suggesting that anyone who eats meat feels that way! There are millions of people who consume meat every day – even some of my customers add a lean, clean meat protein to their dishes that I prepare for them – and I love and want to provide them (and you) with great sources of clean protein to do so. 

And please understand, it’s totally OK having meat in your diet (if you must) …. 

But, what’s important is where you are getting the meat from – grocery store or the butcher? Organic or grain fed perhaps? Let’s dive in to some non vegetable protein that if you are needing the meat, these are the best options to go with. 

Great Sources of Clean Protein

great sources of clean proteinWild Fish – While most nutritionists would say that fish is healthy, not all fish is equal. The origin of the fish, matters a lot. Farmed fish is the same as a caged chicken. 

They aren’t fed a natural diet, are often sick, don’t have as many desirable omega-3s, ant might be full of antibiotics and dioxin. Wild is the way to go!


Organic Chicken – Chicken contains all of the essential amino acids, but make sure to choose chickens that were raise in humane conditions, fed a variable nutrient-dense diet, and got to see sunshine, not just a sad cage.

It makes a difference in taste and its effects on the body.Look for labels like organic, antibiotic free for example. 

Grass Fed Beef – Beef is loaded with zinc, iron and all the amino acids as well. If you consume meat, make it grass fed, not grain fed. It’s cleaner, more flavourful, safer, and with more nutrients.

Tempeh – Tempeh is made out of fermented soy and can be a great source of clean protein for vegans if they don’t have soy sensitivity. Make sure it is organic and not genetically modified.

It’s been shown that soy protein is comparable in digestibility to other high-quality protein sources such as meat, milk, fish, and egg. Avoid processed soy meats, and don’t rely on soy alone for your protein.

Cage-Free Eggs – Eggs are a rich source of thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acids, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin D, great sources of clean proteinvitamin E, and phosphorus.

Eggs can be a great easy-to-digest food if chickens had a healthy diet, were cage free, and got to run around outside. Buy whole organic eggs, not mechanically separated, chemically altered egg whites.

Clean protein is harder to come by than you might think.

Pesticides, heavy metals, and antibiotics are abundant in almost all factory-produced nonorganic meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs.

Fast food joints pump almost all of their items with food flavourings and chemicals to increase shelf life. All bad signs (always read the labels!)

I hope this list of ‘Great Sources of Clean Protein’ was helpful and as always would love to hear about one of your favourite  dishes! Depending on where in the world you are – another great option are farmers markets! The freshest produce, and an excellent source for clean protein!

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have found some valuable information, if so, I’d love to hear about it! Please feel free to share this post with anyone who might benefit, and comments are always welcomed and appreciated. 

I look forward to connecting with you next time!

And be sure to check out why you should order your family’s next meal courtesy of Ki’s Kitchen  

From my kitchen to yours, 


Kiran Bissoon


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I was inspired by my loved ones to reach out to people who have Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes and other debilitating illnesses. I learned to prepare food for people who need to consume a certain diet, in order to stave off their symptoms and/or help fight their illness, but have neither the physical strength, capability nor time to cook for themselves.

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