April 12, 2018
cancer disease prevention foods

Anti-inflammatory Diet | Role of Diet in Fighting Diseases like Cancer

In the last couple of posts, we’ve been discussing the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet in treating a vast number of chronic conditions. The versatility and […]
November 30, 2017

Bowel Movements | Your Body’s Waste Matters

Bowel movements or can be referred to as, solid waste — colour, texture, scent, viscocity, shape, frequency, amount of force required for elimination are paramount to […]
February 9, 2017

Fight Disease With Spices – Top 4 Must Have’s

Spices don’t just make your food taste great, there is also a great deal of research about the therapeutic and disease fighting effects of herbs and spices when used […]
January 26, 2017

Turmeric Truth: The Miracle Spice or Myth?

One might be surprised at all the benefits associated with the use of Turmeric, and why at Ki’s Kitchen it among one of our staples used […]